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Our Star Product - Birch Plywood

2024-06-13 17:51:56
Structure of birch plywood

Birch plywood is made from multiple layers of birch veneer. The two outermost layers are called face and back, while the inner layer is called core material. The core is also made from multi-layer veneer. Core material options include birch, poplar, eucalyptus, pine or poplar veneer.

Different types of birch plywood

Birch plywood can be divided into many types according to different production processes and uses. Sanded finished birch plywood can be used in cabinetry, furniture. Rough-surfaced birch plywood for industrial/structural needs. The types of UV you choose generally include the transparent UV or yellow UV, which makes the surface smooth and shiny and better protects the surface of the plywood.

Features of birch plywood

Strength and Durability: Birch plywood has excellent structural strength. Plywood is made up of multiple thin layers of birch veneer, each layer is criss-crossed and bonded together according to the grain of the wood, making it incredibly resilient. And it can withstand huge loads, making it ideal for applications that require strong support.

Smooth Surface: One of the distinguishing characteristics of birch plywood is its exceptionally smooth and uniform surface. Birch’s fine-grained texture combined with its consistent layering helps create the perfect canvas for finishing treatments such as painting, staining or veneering.

Beautiful Wood Texture: The birch plywood surface has a natural birch wood texture, and the light color appearance adds a touch of elegance to any project. The clean, blemish-free surface accentuates its natural beauty, making it the first choice for applications where aesthetics are important, such as furniture, cabinetry and interior decoration.

Birch plywood grade

B/BB: single front and back veneer. Surface veneers are considered defect-free and light and uniform in color. There can be 3-6 color-matched knots on the back that are oval in shape and about the size of an egg.

BB/BB: Single piece front and back. Front and back finishes allow an average of 3-6 small patches of color matching and some light mineral streaking. Tight knots may be present.

BB/CP: Single piece front and back. “CP” back veneer is a downgrade from “BB” grade veneer, which allows unlimited patches and sound knots, but does not allow open defects.

China Plywood Manufacturer--Film Faced Plywood (5)m9w
Our Star Product - Birch Plywood (1)c32